Sample Code Revit Batch Processor 1.1.11 documentation
Bases: Base
Class constructor
j (str or dic) – Json formatted string or dictionary
ValueError – ‘Argument supplied must be of type string or type dictionary’
Bases: DataLevelBase
Class constructor
j (dict, optional) – json formatted dictionary of this class, defaults to {}
Bases: object
Contains property names used in data storage classes
Bases: Base
Class constructor
j (dict, optional) – json formatted dictionary of this class, defaults to {}
Check if supplied values are within a 20mm band of the actual paper size
width (_type_): _description_ height (_type_): _description_
_type_: _description_
Bases: object
Contains viewport type names
Returns all supported sheet sizes as a list
[:class: DataSheetSize]: A list of all supported sheet sizes.