Sample Code Revit Batch Processor 1.1.11 documentation
Formats category properties into lists for reports :param doc: Current Revit family document. :type doc: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document :param dic: dictionary containing category properties :type dic: _type_ :param family_cat: The family category name. :type family_cat: str :param main_cat_name: A hard coded revit category name. Can be the same as familyCat. :type main_cat_name: str :param doc_file_path: The fully qualified family file path. :type doc_file_path: str :return: A list of list of strings. Each row represents one category. :rtype: list[list[str]]
Reports all categories, their properties and all elements belonging to them. :param doc: Current Revit family document. :type doc: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document :param revit_file_path: The fully qualified family file path. :type revit_file_path: str :return: A list of list of strings. Each row represents one category. :rtype: list[list[str]]
Write category graphic settings to file.
revit_file_name (str) – The revit file name (without path or file extension)
file_path (str) – Fully qualified file path
data ({str:Any}) – json dictionary to be written to file
Result class instance.
result.status False if file failed to write, otherwise True.
result.message will contain file name of file written.
result.result: empty list
On exception:
result.status (bool) will be False.
result.message will contain the exception message.
result.result: will be an empty list
Reads a category graphics data report file into a list of ObjectStyle instances
file_path (str) – Fully qualified file path of report file.
ValueError – If data node is missing from file
list of settings if files was read successfully otherwise an exception will be raised.