Sample Code Revit Batch Processor 1.1.11 documentation
Stores line patterns.
Bases: PatternSettingBase
Class constructor.
j (dict, optional) – A json formatted dictionary of this class, defaults to {}
Bases: IFamilyData
Class constructor
rootPath (str) – The path of the nested family in a tree: rootFamilyName::nestedFamilyNameOne::nestedFamilyTwo This includes the actual family name as the last node.
rootCategoryPath (str) – The category path of the nested family in a tree: rootFamilyCategory::nestedFamilyOneCategory::nestedFamilyTwoCategory This includes the actual family category as the last node.
Collects all line pattern data from the document and stores it in the class property .data
doc (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document) – Current family document
Bases: IFamilyProcessor
Class constructor.
Calls processor instance with the document and root path provided and adds processor instance to class property .data
doc (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document) – Current family document.
rootPath (str) – The path of the nested family in a tree: rootFamilyName::nestedFamilyNameOne::nestedFamilyTwo This includes the actual family name as the last node.
rootCategoryPath (str) – The categroy path of the nested family in a tree: rootFamilyCategory::nestedFamilyOneCategory::nestedFamilyTwoCategory This includes the actual family category as the last node.
Bases: IFamilyDataStorage
Class constructor
Stores line patterns.
Bases: PatternSettingBase
Class constructor.
j (dict, optional) – A json formatted dictionary of this class, defaults to {}
Bases: IFamilyDataStorageUsedBy
Class constructor