Sample Code Revit Batch Processor 1.1.11 documentation
Returns all boundary loops for a rooms. Default value set to the center boundary location.
revit_room (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture.Room) – The room.
List of boundary loops defining the room.
List of lists of Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoundarySegment
Returns a list of lists of points representing the room boundary loops.
List of Lists because a room can be made up of multiple loops (holes in rooms!)
First nested list represents the outer boundary of a room
All loops are implicitly closed ( last point is not the first point again!)
boundary_loops (List of lists of Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoundarySegment) – List of boundary loops defining the room.
A data geometry instance containing the points defining the boundary loop.
Returns a list of dataGeometry object containing points representing the flattened(2D geometry) of a room in the model. List should only have one entry.
revit_room (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture.Room) – The room.
A list of data geometry instance containing the points defining the boundary loop.
list of DataGeometry
Returns a list of dataGeometry object containing points representing the flattened(2D geometry) of all the rooms in the model.
doc (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document) – Current Revit model document.
A list of data geometry instances containing the points defining the boundary loop per room.
list of DataGeometry
Get a rooms boundary segments with the default spatial element boundary options. :param room: The room to get for :type room: Room :return: The boundary segments of the room :rtype: List[List[BoundarySegment]]
Get the element that the room boundary segment belongs to :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param seg: The boundary segment :type seg: BoundarySegment
Get a list of curves as a CurveLoop object. :param rm_crvs: The curves to get for :type rm_crvs: List[Curve] :return: The curves as a CurveLoop object :rtype: CurveLoop
Checks if there is a Wall, ModelLine or both filter and returns a list of the types to filter for. :param filter_only: The host type to filter for :type filter_only: Wall, ModelLine or both in a list :return: A list of types to filter for :rtype: List[Type] or None
Get a list of curves that represents the boundary segments of a room.
Optional parameter to filter the segments by the host type (wall or room separation line). :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :param filter_only: Optional: The host type to filter for :type filter_only: Wall, ModelLine or both in a list :return: A list of curves :rtype: List[Curve]
Gets the host element of a boundary segment. With option to filter by the host type :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :param filter_only: Optional: The host type to filter for :type filter_only: Wall, ModelLine or both in a list :return: A list of hosts :rtype: List[Element]
Get the curves that make up the boundary segments of a room. :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :param filter_only: Optional: The host type to filter for :type filter_only: Wall, ModelLine or both in a list :return: A list of curves :rtype: List[Curve]
Get the wall segments of a room as curves. :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :return: A list of curves :rtype: List[Curve]
Get the room separation line segments of a room as curves. :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :return: A list of curves :rtype: List[Curve]
Get the wall segments of a room as walls. :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :return: A list of walls :rtype: List[Wall]
Get the room separation line segments of a room as model lines. :param rvt_doc: The Revit document :type rvt_doc: Document :param segments: The boundary segments of a room :type segments: List[List[BoundarySegment]] :return: A list of model lines :rtype: List[ModelLine]