Sample Code Revit Batch Processor 1.1.11 documentation
Bases: ViewModelBase
A base class for WPF view models.
Used transfer items from a standard python list to another list ( of a .net type)
list_of_items (_type_): _description_ target_list (_type_): _description_
Event handler for text changed in TextBox.
when the source directory is changes
Ok button event handler.
Gets the selected rows of files and adds them to .selectedFiles property Sets the dialog result value to True.
sender (_type_) – _description_
EventArgs (_type_) – _description_
Cancel button event handler. Sets the dialogue result value to False.
sender (_type_) – _description_
EventArgs (_type_) – _description_
Entry point.
argv ([str]) – A list of string representing arguments past in.
Processes past in arguments and checks whether inputs are valid.
argv (_type_) – List of arguments
True if arguments past in are valid, otherwise False.
FIle select settings object instance.
bool, FileSelectionSettings
Checks whether the first item in a file item list belongs to a BIM 360 project.
Checks whether Project GUID property on file item object is None.
revit_files ([FileItem
]) – List of file items.
True if BIM360 file, otherwise False.